Carl Sjöström from Viti Solutions collaborates with H-K Bryn on articles that look at the relationship between risk and reward from a corporate governance perspective.
Complexity: the good, the bad and the necessary (September 2024) argues that not all complexity is bad and some can be turned into competitive advantage. Published by Governance (issue 361) and on LinkedIn. A version of this article has also been published by Finance Unblocked.
Uncontrollables - coping with 'dis-order' (March 2024) looks at when uncontrollable factors become more permanent features of risk and reward decisions. Published by Governance (issue 355) and on LinkedIn. The podcast page provides a link to an IRM webinar discussing this article and a version of the article has also been published by Finance Unblocked.
The purpose and effectiveness of board committees (November 2023) looks at the work of board committees and their purpose. Published by Governance (issue 351) and on LinkedIn.
Risk and reward of culture and reputation (March 2023) argues for a dispassionate approach to culture and reputation in planning and decision-making. Published by Governance (issue 343) and on LinkedIn.
Overcoming unintended barriers to resilience and agility (September 2022) discusses how companies that are being disrupted can be faced with unintended barriers they created for themselves. Published by Governance (issue 337) and also on LinkedIn.
ESG disruption: what is next for risk, performance and reward? (January 2022) discusses how companies can use ESG factors to gain competitive advantage with the support of the right risk, performance and reward approaches. Published by Governance (issue 329) and on LinkedIn.
Integrating risk, return and reward in business cases (September 2021) looks at broadening the analyses to build a solid business case. Published on LinkedIn.
Balancing strategic ESG aspirations and stakeholder perspectives (May 2021) looks at the sometimes conflicting forces when trying to pursue an ESG amended strategy. Published by Headland Consultancy and onLinkedIn.
Successful turnaround positioned for long-term value creation (March 2021) looks at the benefits of taking a more long-term perspective when launching turnaround strategies. Published on LinkedIn.
Risk & reward in private equity (December 2020) discusses the roles of risk-return and reward in evolving the private equity logic. Published in Governance (issue 316) and also on LinkedIn.
Risk & reward - Embedding ESG for strategic success (June 2020) discusses how ESG aspects should be included in strategic planning. Published on LinkedIn
Risk, actions and behaviours (part 1 April 2020 and part 2 May 2020) proposes an approach to incorporating risk, actions and behaviours in strategy planning and evaluation. Both parts were published in Governance (issues 308 and 309) and then also on LinkedIn: Part 1 and Part 2.
A new governance framework (October 2018) discusses new codes and argues that companies should articulate their own governance boundaries by defining the company’s reward philosophy and risk appetite. The article was first published in Governance (issue 290) and then also on LinkedIn under the title
Governing the rules of the corporation rather than being ruled by governance regulation.
Symbiotic board committees (October 2016) discusses the committees of the board and how points of overlap and gaps can be addressed. Link to Governance, link to LinkedIn.
Linking risk and reward (September 2016) discusses how organisations work with risk and reward and where better linkages could achieve more optimal outcomes. Link to Governance, link to LinkedIn.
Carl Sjöström was interviewed by Swiss wealth advisors Conduct in 2023 for a thought piece on reward philosophy for entrepreneurs:
Defining your reward philosophy: how entrepreneurs should approach incentives for their business
Link to article at Conduct
Carl Sjöström collaborated with Iraj Ispahani in 2020 and 2021 on research and an article that looks at how single family offices stay relevant:
Single-family offices in the 21st century – remaining fit for purpose
Link to article at Ispahani Advisory. Link to the International Family Offices Journal (volume 5, issue 3, March 2021) link to the re-print in
Globe Law and Business,
Essential Reads on Family Offices, December 2023,
Globe Law and Business.
Carl Sjöström from Viti Solutions contributed to the Institute for Family Business's (now Family Business UK) Non-Executive Directors In Family Business Guide in 2021:
Non-Executive Director Pay in Family-Owned Businesses
Link to Family Business UK (September 2021).
Pay and Strategy
Carl Sjöström from Viti Solutions collaborated with Ian Wilcox in 2016 on an article that looks at how companies in the Pharmaceutical industry operate incentive plan designs and how they align and sometimes contradict their strategic directions.
Executive pay and innovation
Link to full article in Pharmaceutical Executive (volume 36, issue 12). Link to the shorter version in
Reward philosophy and global mobility
In December 2017, Didier Hoff at UniMobility interviewed Carl Sjöström about reward philosophy and the importance for reward linked to global mobility:
Interview with Carl Sjöström : Reward Philosophy and its application to Global Mobility
Global Shares invited Carl Sjöström to write an article on long-term incentive design for their clients and discusses there how governance trends impact how incentives are sometimes shaped:
The fashion for long-term incentives - link to article
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